T.O.B. standing for That One Band, means that we as a band, and as humans, are so small compared to our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Our vision is to spread the word of God to anyone and everyone that we can, and to let the world know that the only way to heaven is through him.
CHRiS- Hey, I'm Chris, and I play drums. I guess you could say that I have kind of taken on the role as leader of the band. In other words taking care of the organization, and stuff like that. I also schedule events and write lyrics and all that good stuff. The band started out in my basement, with just Dan and I. Since then we've added Matt, Justin, and Spencer. We all do everything, however, for instance all of us in T.O.B. can play guitar, and Justin can also play drums very well. We all write lyrics and music. Its like, everyone has so many gifts to offer. That is why I know that we are going to be very successful. We are very blessed to be able to do the things we do, and I am glad that we can share it with the world.
Matt- Yo, I am Matt. I am the lead vocalist. My goal is to minister to people so that they can know God better. I also play some keyboard in songs that it is needed. Rock on!
JuSTiN- Whassup?! I'm Justin, I play lead guitar and write most of the music for guitar, I am also backup vocal. My goal is to show people how much fun being a Christian can be. Keep it real, check ya later!